The Future of Technology

The big news this week has to have been the talk coming out of Cupertino and the Worldwide Developer’s Conference keynote. I don’t think anything was necessarily a big surprise but that doesn’t mean that the news wasn’t remarkable so let’s jump in. Let’s not beat around the bush and start with Tim Cook’s “One More Thing” announcement:


The long anticipated Apple VR/AR headset has been announced formally. While it’s exciting to finally see product information and demonstrations of the unit, it’s somewhat shocking to see the initial target market being businesses and the price tag of USD$3499. Don’t get me wrong, neither of these surprises me but I think many people were hoping it would be accessible to the average Apple customer. Still, I’m excited to hear from the friends I have who can afford it as to what their impressions are and when I can come over and try it out myself.

MacBook Air

Probably the most relevant to my interests is the announcement of a new MacBook Air that sits in the 15-inch size slot. I never previously thought I would be considering an Air given the performance I want from a laptop but I think we’ve finally reached the tipping point. I’m thankful for it: my back is thankful because it’ll be less weight in my bag, and my wallet is thankful because it’s definitely cheaper than the Pro line up.

Mac Studio and Mac Pro

Also getting some upgrades are the Mac Studio and the Mac Pro. I don’t personally have a use case for the Pro given the horsepower it brings to the table and the eye watering price tag but I bought an M1 Mac Studio last year. I’m still very happy with my Mac Studio but anytime there is an upgrade to one’s particular hardware configuration it’s hard not to think about getting the upgrade. Having put that in writing, I am not considering it presently but maybe one day.

While there were a few other announcements ranging from iOS and iPadOS updates to the new macOS Sonoma, the above were the ones that caught my attention and the ones I wanted to share my thoughts on. So tell me, are you planning on getting any of these new toys?

Jonathan Tom
Born in 1979, I've been around long enough to know better but not long enough to be expected to act reasonably. That's what I tell myself anyway...

2020 to 2024


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