Enter Summer

Although we’re not officially in summer quite yet the weather has arrived. As I sit here having an iced coffee at my favourite local coffee shop, the weather outside is a very wet 33 C and we’re expecting thunderstorms at any moment. I’m very much not a summer person; it’s not that I dislike summer so much but the excessive heat just plain sucks. I don’t mind the winter too much since you can always just put on more layers but my seasons are definitely the spring and autumn. If it’s just cool enough to wear a hoodie then I’m a happy camper.

Summer here in Ottawa brings a pretty nice vibe though: people come out, there are cyclists and pedestrians along the canal, and the rooftop deck at the National Arts Centre is more accessible. Additionally there are plenty of festivals and events going on around town - it may not be a Montreal or Toronto but I’m ok with not having the reputation as the party city. Rock on Ottawa.

Jonathan Tom
Born in 1979, I've been around long enough to know better but not long enough to be expected to act reasonably. That's what I tell myself anyway...

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