Scheduling Smackdown

Hey everyone! Here we are, diving into the world of productivity apps once again. Today, I'm putting two promising calendar apps under the microscope: Rise and Amie. Both apps have been generating buzz for their unique approaches to scheduling and task management, so I decided to take them for a spin and share my thoughts with you. I'm not going to be offering much in the way of opinions on the two applications since I'm still kind of testing them out but I wanted to get some initial words out into the ether to outline some of the basics.

Rise Calendar: The New Kid on the Block

Rise seems to be designed with teams in mind, offering features that streamline scheduling and focus time. Here's what stood out:


  • Sleek Performance and Design: Rise is all about speed and aesthetics. It's a joy to use on macOS, offering a clutter-free interface that's both easy on the eyes and snappy in performance.
  • Team Scheduling Made Easy: With AI assistance, booking meetings within teams is a breeze, reducing the back-and-forth often associated with finding suitable times.
  • FocusGuard: A standout feature, FocusGuard, helps carve out dedicated time for deep work, aligning with Cal Newport's philosophy and boosting productivity.


  • Lack of Mobile App: Currently, Rise doesn't offer a mobile app, which could be a deal-breaker for those of us always on the move.
  • Limited Productivity Features: While it excels as a calendar app, it doesn't venture far into task management or broader productivity tools. Generally this isn't a big deal for me but I know it's an important issue for some people which is why I'm including it here.


  • Rise starts free for up to 5 team members, with a team pricing of $16 per user/month, striking a balance between functionality and cost for teams.

Amie: A Social Twist on Calendar Apps

Amie takes a slightly different approach, integrating task management and social features into the calendar experience:


  • Task Management Integration: Amie shines with its ability to pull in tasks from popular apps like Todoist and Notion, offering a seamless integration that enhances planning.
  • User-friendly Across Devices: The mobile app is particularly nice, providing a fluid and intuitive experience that makes scheduling and task management feel effortless.
  • Social Features: Amie adds a unique social layer, allowing you to see your team's availability and activities, and some might say, fostering a closer team dynamic.


  • Limited Calendar Integration: For now, Amie is tied to Google Calendar, which might limit its appeal to people who use other calendar services.
  • Pricing: At $15 per month for the Pro plan, Amie positions itself as a premium option, which may not fit everyone's budget for a singular person's calendar.


  • Amie offers a free plan with basic functionality and a Pro plan at $15 per user/month, catering to those who need more advanced features.

Final Thoughts

Both Rise and Amie offer compelling visions for the future of calendar apps, each with its strengths and limitations. Your choice between them will likely hinge on what you value most: the sleek, team-focused functionality of Rise or the integrated, social-forward approach of Amie.

Have you been trying out either (or both) of these? What're your thoughts? As always, I'll keep exploring these apps and more, sharing my finds and thoughts with you. Stay productive and curious!

Jonathan Tom
Born in 1979, I've been around long enough to know better but not long enough to be expected to act reasonably. That's what I tell myself anyway...



Journey of Discovery: Espresso